Welcome to our family farm
We are located in Southern Ontario in a town called Whitchurch Stouffville, about 45 mins. North of DT Toronto.
My sister Jane and I grew up on 20 acres, helping our mother tinker in our backyard garden and helping out as farmhands on our neighbouring farms. My parents who are immigrants from Korea would grow rows and rows of garlic for their various kinds of kimchees.
Spicy Garlic scapes were one of our favourite Korean side dishes and we would excitedly snip away at the scapes in June/July, anticipating the delicious dishes my mom would prepare for us.
After high school, my sister and I moved away to larger cities to start our careers and left our farm life behind us.
Fast forward to 2019, now both married and with families of our own, we decided to get back to nature, enjoy the country life and also plant and grow our fav veggie, GARLIC!
After much research and speaking to generational garlic farmers, we are currently planting premium gourmet Ontario garlic, of the hard-neck variety called Music Garlic.

-Anne Batista

Originally from Italy and carried over to Canada in the 1980’s, music garlic has become one of the most popular hardneck garlics for chefs and home cooks around the world.
Music Garlic offers flavours that range from spicy when raw, to an aromatic garlic flavour when cooked. It is considered to be the number one choice for garlic lovers.
With large cloves and white satin wrapper, it makes for an easy to peel garlic with an undeniable robust flavour making it an excellent example of what a hard-neck porcelain garlic is all about.